Investments | Job Creation | Southern California Real Estate

投资 | 创造就业机会 | 南加州的房地产
<span>The Management Team</span> 管理团队

The Management Team 管理团队

Daniel Lee Stephenson — Managing Director

As Founder and Chairman of Rancon, Daniel Lee Stephenson has forged a career spanning more than four decades specializing in land acquisition, real estate development and real estate syndication offerings. Under Stephenson’s direction, Rancon partnerships have developed more than 25,000 acres of residential properties, almost three million square feet of retail/commercial space, more than seven million square feet of industrial space, and 1.4 million square feet of office space, all within the Inland Empire of Southern California.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Mr. Stephenson was the largest syndicator of real estate investments in the United States with more than 60,000 investors. Today, Rancon controls more than 2,800 acres of residential and commercial properties worth an estimated $280,000,000. Mr. Stephenson is a graduate of the University of Southern California (Real Estate Finance), and attended the Harvard School of Business. He is a life-long business advocate, a generous humanitarian and a philanthropist. Mr. Stephenson serves as Managing Director of Rancon Regional Center.

史丹森 Daniel Lee Stephenson — 董事经理

作为瑞肯的创始人及主席,史丹森累积超过四十年专精于土地收购、房地产开发、及房地产企业联合发行的职业生涯。在史丹森的领导下,瑞肯的集团企业在南加州内陆帝国(Inland Empire)已经开发超过25,000英亩的住宅项目、将近300万平方英尺的零售/商业用地、超过700万平方英尺的工业用地、及140万平方英尺的办公用地。

在80年代末至90年代初之间,史丹森先生拥有超过6万名投资客户,是美国房地产投资界最大的企业集资财团。如今,瑞肯集团掌管超过2800英亩,价值约2.8亿美元的住宅与商用物业。史丹森先生毕业于南加大房地产金融系, 而后就读哈佛商学院。他将终生致力为一个商业倡导者、慷慨的人道主义者、及慈善家。史丹森先生现任瑞肯区域中心的董事经理。


